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‘Aḇdīšō‘ Bar Brīḵā : das Buch vom Paradies von Eden
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789042943834 9042943831 9789042943841 Year: 2022 Publisher: Lovanii in aedibus Peeters

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Abdisho bar Brika begann sein Werk "Paradies von Eden" 1290/91 n. Chr. und beendete es im Jahr 1316. Das Werk ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil wurde nach Henoch, der zweite nach Eliya benannt. 'Abdisho's "Paradies" blieb ein Unikat. Seine Überlieferung zeigt aber insbesondere ab dem 16. Jh. einen sehr hohen Grad an schriftlicher Rezeption. 'Abdisho's Kunstfertigkeit besteht darin, die besondere Form der Maqamen in einen anderen Kulturkreis zu überführen. Die vorliegende Studie beleuchtet mit der Untersuchung 'Abdisho's Werk als eine syrisch-christliche Maqame im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs; einen neuen Aspekt in der Entwicklung des über zahlreiche nahöstliche Literaturen verbreiteten Maqamen-Genres. Weder in der Maqamenforschung noch in der syrischen Literatur war bisher die Existenz der syrisch-christlichen Maqamen bekannt, die sich als unterprivilegiertes Literaturgenre in verschiedenen Zeitaltern entwickelt haben. Hier liegt nun die Erstedition des "Paradieses von Eden" anhand der bisher unveröffentlichten Handschriften sowie die erste vollständige deutsche Übersetzung des Werks vor.

Les Confessions = : Confessiones.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782851213204 2851213202 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : Institut d'Études Augustiniennes,

Early Christian mystagogy and the body
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789042948501 9042948507 9789042948518 9042948515 Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven Paris Bristol, CT Peeters

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This multidisciplinary volume focuses on the theme of early Christian mystagogy and the body. In the patristic tradition, mystagogy refers to the essential process of initiation into the divine mystery and existential transformation. In this context, the body is a challenging element, since it represents a contested topic in early Christianity, and the Christian tradition has often been accused of hostility towards the body. The reality is, however, more complex. As its core tenet of the incarnation testifies, the body is central to salvation in Christianity, which involves the healing and control, transformation and resurrection of the body. The contributions in this book explore precisely such paradoxical and kaleidoscopic perspectives. In a cohesive chronological progression, fundamental issues are discussed such as the sacraments, the embodiment of the soul, the ascetic tradition, and the cult of the saints including relics as conduits of healing and conversion. The timeframe is extensive, ranging from the second century into the medieval period, and the early Christian tradition is represented in all its diversity, including, for instance, Syriac sources. Due to its broad scope, this volume on early Christian mystagogy and the body offers a rich and thought-provoking contribution to the field of early Christian studies and beyond.

Eusebius Werke : Band X/3 Kommentar Zu Psalm 101-150. Die Fragmente.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110788624 3110788624 9783110788723 3110788721 Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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Die Reihe Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte (GCS) veröffentlicht seit 1897 (zuerst in Leipzig, dann in Berlin) die Ergebnisse des Akademieprojektes Griechische Christliche Schriftsteller, begonnen in der damaligen Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, fortgeführt in der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sie bietet in großen kritischen Ausgaben mit historisch orientierenden Einleitungen und Registern diejenigen Werke, die ursprünglich im griechischsprachigen Teil des antiken kaiserzeitlichen Christentums entstanden sind und nicht von den anderen großen Editionsreihen herausgegeben werden. Für die ersten drei Jahrhunderte wird dabei Vollständigkeit angestrebt.

Evagrius ponticus, letters : armenian translation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789042947016 9042947012 9789042947023 9042947020 Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven Peeters

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This book is a critical edition of a medieval reworking of the fourth-century Letters and additional works of Evagrius of Pontus. The Medieval Armenian collection presents the letters not as letters by Evagrius alone but as a correspondence of Evagrius with his advisor Melania the Elder. Continually interwoven with Biblical texts, they show the monastic teacher as gnostikos guiding his female ascetic pupil. As a fourth-century philosopher and monastic, Evagrius wrote treatises, kephalaia and scholia discussing knowledge, biblical interpretation and ethics. A follower of the teachings of Clement and Origen, he strongly influenced the intellectual development of monastic life in the East and in the Latin-speaking West. Although some of his writings were destroyed in their original Greek following the condemnations of 543/553, many survived in Syriac and Armenian; in the medieval Armenian monastic setting, they influenced later monastic teachers including Gregory Narekats'i.

L'antico mondo cristiano : scritti minori
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 8864347178 9788864347172 Year: 2022 Publisher: Firenze Nerbini International

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A ottant'anni Manlio Simonetti iniziò a scrivere sui giornali. Dal 2006 infatti tenne per un anno su Avvenire una rubrica settimanale, i cui brevissimi testi furono subito raccolti in Classici e cristiani. Poco dopo, nell'autunno del 2007, cominciò a collaborare con il quotidiano della Santa Sede, L'Osservatore Romano, dove scrisse per un intero decennio sull'antico mondo cristiano, fino a pochi mesi prima della morte (1° novembre 2017), ormai novantunenne. In questo libro, il quarto di Simonetti nei Sussidi Patristici, sono raccolti tutti i suoi articoli pubblicati sul foglio vaticano. Chi conosca la sua attività scientifica non faticherà a riconoscerlo in questi "scritti minori", giornalistici per la scioltezza e l'essenzialità della scrittura, scientifici per la sicurezza e la solidità della dottrina: riflessioni sulla storia degli studi, su questioni di metodo e su nodi storiografici rilevanti, profili di studiosi, recensioni e le novità su Origene e Agostino.

Face au scandale du mal
ISBN: 9782706722288 2706722282 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris Salvator

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Comment peut-on parler d'un Dieu bienfaisant face à toutes les catastrophes qui accablent le monde ? Malgré les ravages du mal, beaucoup résistent, se redressent et ne se laissent pas écraser. Ni l'exil ni le martyre n'empêchèrent Ignace d'Antioche et Jean Chrysostome de proclamer leur confiance en un Dieu très bon. Alors que la peste et la famine frappaient des peuples entiers, Basile de Césarée et Grégoire le Grand soulagèrent la misère des victimes autour d'eux. De leur côté, Origène et Augustin cherchèrent à expliquer ce déferlement de tant de misères. Leurs paroles et leurs actes, leur exemple et leur enseignement ont ranimé le courage des uns et l'inventivité des autres. Leur témoignage reste d'actualité parce qu'il réveille chez nous, non seulement la foi en un Dieu bon et miséricordieux, mais aussi le désir de vivre dans la paix et l'espérance, en dépit des nombreuses crises qui nous affectent.

The origin of sin : Greece and Rome, early Judaism and Christianity
ISBN: 9781350278585 9781350278592 1350278580 1350278599 9781350278608 9781350278615 Year: 2022 Publisher: London Bloomsbury Academic

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"In this meticulously argued book, David Konstan takes a close look at classical Greek and Roman texts, as well as the Bible and early Judaic and Christian writings, and argues that the fundamental idea of 'sin' arose in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, although this original meaning was obscured in later Jewish and Christian interpretations. Through close philological examination of the words for 'sin,' in particular the Hebrew hata' and the Greek hamartia, he traces their e uses over the centuries in four chapters, and concludes that the common modern definition of sin as a violation of divine law indeed has antecedents in classical Graeco-Roman conceptions, but acquired a wholly different sense in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. The Hebrew word hata', rather than denoting just any offense against divine injunctions, refers more narrowly to the violation of the covenant, which takes the form of chasing after foreign gods. As such, it pertains above all to the Israelites, who alone are parties to the covenant. Those who have fallen away can earn forgiveness by repenting of their error and confessing before God - a paradigmatic script for sin and its remission that is entirely absent from the Greco-Roman tradition. The Greek word hamartia again reflects the tripartite structure of sin: an offense, a change of heart, and salvation. In the New Testament, however, and above all in the Gospels, sin is not a falling away from God, but rather a failure to turn to Jesus. Confession and repentance give way, in the Gospels, to the idea of conversion. This Biblical idea of sin was interpreted and largely transformed by later commentators in the early Jewish and Christian traditions, acquiring the more general sense of an offense against God's laws that it retains today"--

The Oxford Handbook of Origen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780199684038 0199684030 9780191506963 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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This interrogation of Origen's legacy for the 21st Century returns to old questions built upon each other over eighteen centuries of Origen scholarship-problems of translation and transmission, positioning Origen in the histories of philosophy, theology, and orthodoxy, and defining his philological and exegetical programmes. The essays probe the more reliable sources for Origen's thought by those who received his legacy and built on it. They focus on understanding how Origen's legacy was adopted, transformed and transmitted looking at key figures from the fourth century through the Reformation. A section on modern contributions to the understanding of Origen embraces the foundational contributions of Huet, the twentieth century movement to rehabilitate Origen from his status as a heterodox teacher, and finally, the identification in 2012 of twenty-nine anonymous homilies on the Psalms in a codex in Munich as homilies of Origen. Equally important has been the investigation of Origen's historical, cultural, and intellectual context. These studies track the processes of appropriation, assimilation and transformation in the formation and transmission of Origen's legacy. Origen worked at interpreting Scripture throughout his life. There are essays addressing general issues of hermeneutics and his treatment of groups of books from the Biblical canon in commentaries and homilies. Key points of his theology are also addressed in essays that give attention to the fluid environment in which Origen developed his theology. These essays open important paths for students of Origen in the 21st century.

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